QwuiGridLayout::Item | |
QwuiAbstractHttpServer | Base class for the implementation of an HTTP server. An HTTP server needs a resource provider server that will provide the resources depending on the mime type. There are two operating modes for a server: Queuing the requests and treating them sequentially or using a different thread for each connection |
QwuiAbstractHttpServerDelegate | This class represents wraps the handling of an HTTP request. A delegate is created by the QwuiAbstractHttpServer for each incomming connection and the processing of the HTTP request takes place in this delegate |
QwuiAbstractResource | This class represents a resource that can be served by the web server. A resource can be any type of information that can be served by a web server. Examples: an image file, a text file, some code generating HTML, etc... A resource is identified by its MIME-type and this class provides the resource length, its path and is able to send the resource to an QIODevice |
QwuiAbstractResourceProvider | A resource provider is a class that builds a QwuiAbstractResource for a given HTTP request. This class represents an HTTP session and provides only the session management informations to subclasses. Subclasses must implement the provide() method to return a QwuiAbstractResource corresponding to the given HTTP request |
QwuiAbstractResourceProviderFactory | Abstract class defining the interface for a resource provider factory. Subclasses must implement the create() method to return a QwuiAbstractResourceProvider |
QwuiApplication | The main class used for all web application sessions. This class has to be created by the web main method and represents the session application. For an example, see QwuiApplicationFactory |
QwuiApplicationFactory | Application factory. This class uses a creator function to create new applications instances. The creator function corresponds to the traditionnal main() function for a web application |
QwuiApplicationServer | Application server. The application server uses internally an HTTP server and an application factory to provide application instances on demand |
QwuiBoxLayout | Box layout used to lay out widgets horizontally or vertically. This is the base class used for QwuiHBoxLayout and QwuiVBoxLayout |
QwuiBufferedResource | A resource that wraps a simple byte array. This class makes it possible to send a buffer of data to the client |
QwuiFcgiDevice | |
QwuiFileResource | This class makes it possible to send a file to the client |
QwuiFileResourceProvider | A resource provider that provides file resources. When provide() is called, the resource provider looks for a file that corresponds to the path given in the header relatively to the rootDirectory() |
QwuiGridLayout | A grid layout. This layout can be used to organise child widgets in a table |
QwuiHBoxLayout | Layout used to dispose webgets horizontally |
QwuiHttpServer | The concrete HTTP server. Instances of this class listen on a given port and let than an QwuiHttpServerDelegate handle the incomming requests |
QwuiHttpServerDelegate | Concrete imlementation of the HTTP server delegate. This class handles uses a socket descriptor and uses it to transmit the requested resources |
QwuiLabel | A label webget. A label can be used to display text, an image and links. if you put |
QwuiLayout | Base class for all layouts. A layout is used to organise child webgets within a parent webget |
QwuiLayoutItem | |
QwuiMainWebget | Main web widget. Use an instance of this class as main container for your UI |
QwuiMessageResource | A simple resource that wraps a message. Use this to wrap a static string as a resource |
QwuiObjectThreadChangeEvent | |
QwuiParameters | Parameters received from the client by the web server |
QwuiResourceProviderFactory< T > | A helper class used to instanciate factories for resource providers. Example: |
QwuiResourceProviderServer | This class holds currently alive sessions and creates new ones on demand. This class is used to hold sessions and manage their lifetimes. A new session can be created with newSession(). With takeSession() and releaseSession() you can take the ownership of a session for your specific handling and release it once you are finished |
QwuiScrollArea | A simple scroll area webget |
QwuiSpacerItem | |
QwuiStackedLayout | A stacked webgets layout. This layout keeps a stack of webgets and displays only one at time |
QwuiStackedWebget | A stacked webget container |
QwuiTag | A helper class used to generate HTML tags |
QwuiTcpServer | A simple subclass of QTcpServer. This class provides only a signal newConnection(int) with the incoming connection socket descriptor as parameter |
QwuiVBoxLayout | Layout used to dispose webgets vertically |
QwuiWebget | The base class for all webgets |
QwuiWebgetItem | |